9 easy tips on how to drink more water

you have read all the advice that says you should drink more water. Maybe you've even tried to increase your water intake, but do not quite make a habit in itself. Check out these simple tips on how to drink more water. 

1 Keep a glass or bottle near 

If you are constantly having to make special trips to get your water and drink less if it is at hand, at least most of the time. 

If you are not in danger of hitting the glass and drowning your computer, keep a beverage. But if you are on the clumsy side, a bottle would be more reasonable. 

2 Sip regularly 

It is usually much easier to take regular sips of water to swallow a liquid-filled glass. 

Make a habit of taking regular sips of water and you will be pleasantly surprised by how quickly you get through without feeling that you are sustainable punishment. 

3 Scroll slowly 

Most people think that still visit the rest room if slurp down the recommended eight glasses a day. 

It is less likely to occur if you gradually increase your water consumption. So if you do not drink more than a glass or two in most cases, decide that you will increase in, say, a drink a day each week. So this week you signed to 3 drinks per day for the next weeks 4 glasses and so on. 

4 Do not panic if you forget 

New habits take time to learn. And that includes drinking more water. 

Just because you do not remember from time to time to drink plenty of water every day does not mean you've failed. Do it as often as possible. 

For example, my routine is different on weekends and I regularly find that I drink less water than do the weekday. But I keep at it and it works! 

5 Migrate your drinking 

If you drink soda, tea or coffee to share a little water in the coming weeks. 

You will keep the same amount of liquid beverage, but an increasing amount of water will do instead of water and other ingredients. 

6 Move a record, especially early 

So drink more water it becomes second nature, it's worth keeping a pretty tight track of what you drink. 

Probably not as much as a diary, but some people do, but certainly as easy a few ticks in a book will not hurt. 

7 Take with meals 

In the same way that servers maintain their full glass of wine or beer, make sure it has exceeded the glass of water at every meal. And indeed drink, instead of using it as a table decoration. 

8 Make a bet 

If someone you know also need to drink more water, and then challenge them to see which of you can drink more glasses of water (within reason, of course) in the next weeks. It is enough for any of you do not cheat and just drink gallons a day or two time. It is also long enough for you two to get into the habit of drinking more water as a matter of routine. 

9 Auto Brand 

If there is almost always a glass of water within arm's reach, after a while, you will automatically find to achieve a sip. It will serve as a reminder, if for some reason you have not thought of doing the water today.